Dream Axiom's team is comprised of a small but dedicated team of diverse, action oriented, and compassionate people. During our most recent discussions, we all agreed that we want to pursue solid opportunities to improve our communities. Our mission has always been to make a positive impact and foster creativity. Now more than ever, the need for such efforts is readily apparent!
As a result of our discussions, we are assembling specific initiatives to make both immediate and long-term impact. These initiatives will focus on the following:
- Helping our neighbors in RVA and CBUS clean up after recent events.
We want to capitalize on the energy and passion of our team to identify projects to clean up, repair, or improve areas of Columbus and Richmmond, our two primary bases of operation. We have been in contact with locally-based organizations to identify projects that will make an impact now and in the future. These could take the form of cleanup projects, playground construction/repair, improvements to local community centers, or more than one of these. Our community outreach arm is ready to help with this initiative and our team has vociferously expressed their interest in organizing team building events around addressing these important needs.
- Examining opportunities for us to invest our time and capital to support our local communities.
We love our local businesses and want to reinvest our capital in our community whenever possible. Purchasing as much of our company's equipment and supplies as possible from local and minority-owned businesses, agreeing to give patronage to local restaurants and stores that we can use for company events, and ultimately contributing to allowing these businesses to thrive and create additional jobs in the Richmond and Columbus areas is the end goal here.
- Improving our recruiting and outreach to increase minority applicants for positions at Dream Axiom.
As small as we are, we have always been proud to recruit a diverse team of talent from all walks of life. However, there is always room to do better. We plan to recruit from colleges and universities with strong minority representation. We plan to identify and nurture new methodologies such as mentoring in the schools that serve neighborhoods in Columbus and Richmond with strong minority representation.
We believe in corporate responsibility to our world and the people in it, but we know that successful efforts in this sphere must begin locally. This is part of how we want to help give back. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.
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